Thursday, August 14

I want to win a competition

I realised today that i have never won a competition!

So my aim for the rest of the year is to win a competition. Im not talking about the lotery i just want something dog food, cat food and sandwich anything! :)

Sunday, August 10

Learning Objective C (The Second Attempt)

I have decided that it is time (again) to learn a proper programing language. I started reading my old objective C book but with the advent of xcode 3 it is very dated.

I have purchased a new book Cocca programing for the mac os x by Aaron Hillegass.

Now i would like to say i am close to a expert on the start of programing books, I have a shelf of books to prove it. Every book I have read always starts nicely but around chapter 4 the author forgets you are new to the language and it all goes down hill.

Now my first impressions of this book are good. It does not pretend to be able to teach you everything in 24 hours or 7 days. It says its gonna be hard.. I like that then i dont feel like a idiot around chapter 4!

On chapter 3 and not close to giving up yet... Lets see how it goes.....